Saturday , March 15 2025

Isolated case of head lice under control

The head of Public Health department Dr. Gijs Koot assured that the case of head lice last week at Sacred Heart Primary School was isolated and is under control. The department investigated the case last week. One family with three children contracted head lice and had already treated the children and taken all appropriate measures by the time of the Public Health’s visit to the school last week Thursday.

The isolated case, which had been handled appropriately, ignited concerns expressed via online social media, leading to complaints submitted to Commissioner Bruce Zagers. These complaints did not lead to temporary closure of the school. Nurse Joyce Smith was sent to the school and checked the classrooms and facilities and found no reason for closure. All children received papers explaining the situation and instructions for the treatment of head lice. The Public Health Department stated the temporary closure of Saba Comprehensive School is not warranted.

Source: “The Daily Herald” 2012-03-28

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  1. “The Public Health Department stated the temporary closure of Saba Comprehensive School is not warranted.”

    The school in question was the Sacred Heart School, not the Saba Comprehensive School. Get your facts straight.

  2. The info came from The Daily Herald “Surly Saban”.