Saturday , March 15 2025

Police Station given a makeover

Chief of Police Durk Hiemstra gave a guided tour of the renovation and upgrading of the Saba Police Station, in The Bottom, on Thursday. Work on the Police cells is being conducted simultaneously with renovation of the building that will house the Prosecutor’s Office, the building behind the Police Station, in The Bottom. This building will also house the Probation Office. One room there will be made available for the Police.

The initial plan for the renovation of the Police Station in The Bottom involved the upgrading of three Police cells, which were not up to acceptable sanitary standards. The three cells will each be extended with showers and toilet facilities and the capacity will be for four prisoners. These new Police cells will be used for limited detention times of up to three or four days, said Hiemstra. Not meeting the minimal requirements made it necessary that the cells be dismantled and rebuilt. During this procedure an alternate detention cell will be set up within the same building, to insure the temporary detention capacity of the local Police Force. The new cells are expected to be delivered in early July.

A subsequent stage involves the envisioned renovation of the whole Police Station, changing the building’s structure to improve functionality. It will separate the front desk, designed for interaction with the public, from the detention space and the office of the Prison Guard. The upgrading includes a needed expansion of office space, with two additional rooms, in view of the eventual return of the Saba Police Headquarters to The Bottom. This will allow accommodation of the Police Force and members of the Royal Dutch Constabulary (military police).

Source: “The Daily Herald ” 2012-03-30

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