Saturday , March 15 2025

Livig Water community residence blessed by bishop Luis Secco

SABA–Bishop Luis Secco, seconded by Father Danilo Pastor, held a Thanksgiving Mass Sunday, at the Sacred Heart Church in The Bottom.

Bishop Luis Secco (centre) and Fr. Danilo Pastor (left) blessing the renovated Living Water Community rectory in The Bottom. (Photo Daily Herald)

The bishop arrived on Saba Saturday, and held various meetings with parishioners on the occasion of the completion of the restoration of the Living Water Community’s Catholic rectory in the churchyard in The Bottom. Acting Island Governor Franklin Wilson was among the lay celebrants with two Island Council members in the crowd.

The old wooden structure of the building has been replaced by a more solid, concrete structure that maintains the old furnace, the traditional stone walls
and the typical Saba architecture. The rectory’s completion had been a community-wide effort over two years in the making, with the support of the parish in St. Maarten and the Diocese of Curaçao. The sisters of the Living Water Community celebrate their 25th anniversary of missionary work in Saba this year.

In his homily, Bishop Secco spoke of the special occasion of the rectory’s blessing on World Mission Day. He spoke of real leadership being proven in  challenging times when leaders sacrifi ce in true service to their community. He also mentioned the seven new saints ordained by the Catholic Church on this occasion. Following Mass, Bishop and congregation gathered outside the new rectory building for the blessing with food and drinks served afterwards.

Source The Daily herald October 22, 2012

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