Saturday , March 15 2025

RCN researches effects of the information campaign Second Chamber Elections

Commissioned by the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland a research is carried out on the effects of the information campaign that was held concerning the Second Chamber Elections.

In the week of October 22nd local researchers will start with personal interviews on behalf of Research Bureau BridgeGaps on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba amongst a group of 526 inhabitants of the three islands.  Questions will be asked about whether of not voting, knowledge of the tasks and work of the Second Chamber and the way in which people got their  information about  the elections. The interviews will be executed in Papiamento, Dutch and English.

On each island interviews will take place with participants of so called focus groups. During these interviews it is possible to go deeper into the involvement of the inhabitants with the Second Chamber Elections. The participants of these group were selected ad random.

The results of the research are expected within 3 months after the execution of this research.

So far the press release of the RCN, October 22, 2012

SabaNews learned that the research on Saba is effected by Mr. Johan Schaeffer of BridgeGaps.

He announced that the survey consists of street interviews and two discussion groups on the 1st of November. BridgeGaps needs people to take part in those discussions.
– The discussion will last about 2 hours.
– The chief of BridgeGaps, the independent institute that organizes the survey, will be leading the discussions
– You’ll get a memory stick as a reward for taking part.

Because across the BES-islands it looks like that there is a feeling that the Dutch elections do not concern the islands, we would like to get a better understanding of this and from the discussions new ideas can sprout about how to do it better next time and what the islands need.

For who’s interested in taking part in the discussion or need more information, please call Johan Schaeffer – 416-6624, the coordinator for the survey on Saba.

Saba's KPCN marks second anniversary
Formation Government of Curacao cautiously begun


  1. I just read the articles about the financial problems the Dutch have as a consequence of “the crisis”.
    I understand that the post mortum “research” of the 2012 Elections described above, is to be performed by a Dutch company. This means travel expenses, purchasing memory sticks (today this seems to be a new form of “beads and mirrors” that the Dutch used for buying Manhattan from the Indians some centuries ago), time, etc.

    I wished someone would show me a cost-benefit analysis for such “research”.

  2. Let us assess the situation with the cunning use of rhyme, for there appears to be no reason for this “god forsaken” dilemma, apart from day allowance.

    There’s a hole in the bucket,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza
    There’s a hole in the bucket,
    Dear Liza, there’s a hole.

    Then fix it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    Then fix it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, fix it.

    With what shall I fix it,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza?
    With what shall I fix it,
    Dear Liza, with what?

    With a straw, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    With a straw, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, with a straw.

    But the straw is too long,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza
    But the straw is too long,
    Dear Liza, too long

    Then cut it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    Then cut it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, cut it.

    With what shall I cut it,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza?
    With what shall I cut it,
    Dear Liza, with what?

    With an axe, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    With an axe, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, an axe.

    The axe is too dull,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza
    The axe is too dull,
    Dear Liza, too dull

    Then sharpen it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    Then sharpen it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, sharpen it.

    With what shall I sharpen it,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza?
    With what shall I sharpen it,
    Dear Liza, with what?

    With a stone, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    With a stone, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, a stone.

    The stone is too dry,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza
    The stone is too dry,
    Dear Liza, too dry

    Then wet it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    Then wet it, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, wet it.

    With what shall I wet it,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza?
    With what shall I wet it,
    Dear Liza, with what?

    With water, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    With water, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, with water.

    How shall I get it,
    Dear Liza, dear Liza,
    How shall I get it,
    Dear Liza, how shall I?

    In the bucket, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, dear Henry
    In the bucket, dear Henry,
    Dear Henry, in the bucket.

    There’s a hole in the bucket.
    Dear Liza, dear Liza
    There’s a hole in the bucket,
    Dear Liza, there’s a hole.

    In short form…

    Buy a new damn bucket.