Friday , March 14 2025

New team of Ministers

With the VVD’ers Henk Kamp, Stef Blok and Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert the government team of the second kabinet Rutte is complete.
Sources around the formation are reporting this.
Long remained uncertain who would get the post of Minister of Economic Affairs. This goes to informateur and current Minister of Social Affairs Henk Kamp.
For Kamp knows the road between the political departments now well. Previously he was also Minister of Defence and Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs is seen as important because it is part of the powerful socio-economic quadrangle within the cabinet.

The current VVD leader Stef Blok seemed candidate for this post, but he is rewarded for his efforts as a leader by the post of minister of a new Ministery Housing and Kingdom Services.
Justice spokesman on behalf of the Liberal Party in the House, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, is following Hans Hillen as Minister of Defense.
Hennis-Plasschaert is since 2010 in the parliament, before her party elected her to the European Parliament.
Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal will definitely not return.

Co Verdaas
The list of Secretaries of State is not yet fully known. It is now clear that PvdA Co. Verdaas will be Secretary of State of Agriculture. Verdaas is currently deputy in the province of Gelderland. VVD Alderman in The Hague Sander Dekker is Secretary of Education.
Also listed are PvdA Jetta Klijnsma, previously Secretary of State on Social Affairs, and Deputy Secretary Mansveld Wilma in Groningen. It is unclear, however, on what posts.
VVD’ers Halbe Zijlstra (Education) and Paul de Kromocial Affairs) will not return. Zijlstra is known that he will lead the fraction in parliament. VVD State Secretaries Fred Teeven (Justice) and Frans Weekers (Finance) will remain at their posts.

Friday it was announced that the Amsterdam PvdA alderman Lodewijk Asscher will be Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs. Labour leader Diederik Samsom remains leading the party in the Second Chamber.
Furthermore Jeroen Dijsselbloem (PvdA) Finance Minister VVD’ers Opstelten, Edith Schippers and Melanie Schultz remain respectively Justice, Health and Infrastructure, Jet Bussemaker (PvdA) is Minister of Education.

PvdA Ronald Plasterk and Frans Timmermans respectively receive the portefolios Interior and Foreign Affairs.
Former Labour president Lilianne Ploumen will fulfill the new post of Minister for Foreign Trade and Development.
Source: 2012.10.28 (google translate)

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