Saturday , March 15 2025

Second Colour Me Saba Run scheduled for November 29

Women’s Medical Students Association (WMSA) and Saba Girls Run Club of Saba University School of Medicine (Susom) announced the second Colour me Saba Run, scheduled for November 29, starting at 5:30pm. The run begins at the university gazebo, continues to the gazebo near Well’s Bay, ending at Saba Coffee House in The Bottom. The coffee house is gearing- up for the event with their signature refreshing smoothies, and they will be hosting the event’s entertainment consisting of a medical student music band. AIDS Support Group Saba Foundation will be providing water bottles for participants throughout the day.

The run involves participants blitzing each other with non-toxic colours. While the specially ordered colours wash off and will not stain, organisers recommend paying attention to their choice of clothing. They stress that no running experience is required. “Participants may even walk if they wish.”

Colour me Saba is an offshoot of Saba Girls Run, which encourages Saba girls to develop self-esteem, confidence and a healthy lifestyle through weekly group running and exercising. The initiative addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being of participants and includes self-fundraised trips.

Colour me Saba is less about speed and competition but more about having fun. Participation is open to the entire community for a registration fee; t-shirts will be available for an additional fee. To pre-order t-shirts and for early registration one may contact Saba Girls Run Club or visit them in the old cafeteria of the Susom campus 12:00-1:00pm on Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8. Same-day registration will commence at 5:00pm.

Source: “The Daily Herald” 2012-11-05

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