Saturday , March 15 2025

Catholic families participate in Christ the King procession

Roman Catholic parishioners marked “Christ the King” solemnity with a joint procession, followed by Mass at the Sacred Heart Church in The Bottom, on Sunday morning. Three-generational families joined in the procession around The Bottom, with children wearing colourful crowns and placards made by the youth of both Sacred Heart Primary School and Saba Comprehensive School. In his homily, Father Danilo Pastor encouraged parents to raise their children by nurturing their spiritual wellbeing and vocation, and not just their material needs. He also urged to raise children in the “perpetual effort to achieve God’s kingdom and distinguish the means of temporal kingdoms from the values of the divine realm.” Remarking on the Year of Faith pronounced by Pope Benedict XVI, Father Pastor spoke of his own spiritual vocational calling and of the need for the community to pray for him and for each other. He spoke of prayer strengthening the resolve to allow the good to prevail. The Mass also marked the 28th anniversary of Father Pastor’s ordination. The Filipino native has served as the community’s priest for an extensive period. The Mass was followed by a communal celebratory brunch in the church’s courtyard.

Source: “The Daily Herald” 2012-11-26

Education sessions on sustainable agriculture
Minister confirms 18 age limit for buying tobacco products