Saturday , March 15 2025

RCN media training on Statia and Saba

Government Service Caribbean Netherlands RCN Communication will be hosting a media training for RCN workers and colleagues of the public entities St. Eustatius and Saba, on Wednesday, November 28, and Thursday, November 29, respectively. The training will be conducted by journalist and communication expert Bob Harms of Curaçao. Harms facilitated a similar training for RCN workers on Bonaire during the Day of the Press, September 1. The one-day training is to help participants understand how to deal with the media, and will teach them various interview forms and techniques, how to define the message and presentation skills. Another important aspect to be covered during the media training regards communication and the media landscape of St. Eustatius and Saba, RCN stated. The training will be practical and interactive and will make use of various exercises, including video recording of participants, role play and feedback.

Source: “The Daily Herald” 2012-11-27

New Cultural Building to be opened on Saba Day
Pop’s Place owner wins 2012 Saba Idol Finals


  1. What a waste of money!
    Civil servants get everything.
    What about the people….who they are suppost to serve!

  2. Hey and we heard about it on the radio, have these people never heard of smoke signals? Too many fires and not enough rugs,

  3. Media training for civil servants is essential. Without such training, they might accidentally say the truth about tricky issues, give realistic numbers, mention details that would make sense: in general, inform the public in a useful way.
    Now they learn how to say things in such a way, that they do not reveal the truth, but that they cannot be caught plain lying.

  4. My advise to the civil servants: 1. to a detailed question give a general answer 2. to a general question give a detailed answer (old politician trick). Moreover, I agree 100% with what Eddie wrote. Or as they say: learn how to beat around the bush.

  5. Please do not generalize the word civil servants be specific because not all civil servants are attending this workshop.

  6. Smoke signals have been sent from the private sector far more in recent times locally than the pubic sector… Civil servants don’t have the autonomy to be so deceitful, at this point I feel red tape is acting well, questions have been asked about the model and how it was researched, supporting, rather than restricting or engaging in an all out hog-wash.

    I’ll be very interested to see the signs at the airport, next time we get a visit, that the volatility of of the self serving infused react to, those who are blinkered by a profit margin rather than the interests of general welfare of the community they co-exist within. I say “co-exist” in the understanding of how I “co-exist” with iguana and anole, and have no empathy of their needs thoughts, feelings or ideals.

    If you set a fire under your base, you gonna be atop the pyre.

  7. Statler and Waldorf where, without a doubt the greatest derisory of duos in modern times…

    I have to say there is some canoodling going on here, I’m a human animal and love to see relationships form, don’t we all… Just romanticism at it’s best. Great when like minded people form bonds and such, touching, priceless…. The wastelands of loneliness are wiped away, to be two hearts with just one beat, just awesome!

    In this circumstance I feel it’s less Brangelina and more Adoleva.

    But since Big Bird recently got lambasted… I’ll always defend a Muppet, as I always sit “Half way up the stairs”.

    It’s time to play the music
    It’s time to light the lights
    it’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight.

    It’s time to put on makeup
    It’s time to dress up right
    It’s time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight.

    Why do we always come here
    I guess we’ll never know
    It’s like a kind of torture
    To have to watch the show

    And now let’s get things started
    Why don’t you get things started
    It’s time to get things started
    On the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational
    This is what we call the Muppet Show!

    (Gonzo blows his trumpet)

    I’d be Gonzo, great to feel part of something now, just isn’t it.