Friday , March 14 2025

Contract for renovation Youth Centre signed

Island Governor Jonathan Johnson signed a contract Friday with PetCon Construction NV for the renovation and upgrading of the Youth Centre in Windwardside. The finalisation of the public bidding process was announced through a press release issued by Own Your Own Home Foundation (OYOHF). The Youth Centre, located behind St. Paul’s Catholic Church, will receive unspecified renovations and upgrading to the tune of US $116,840. Funding of $67,000 has been provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, while $49,840 is provided by the Public Entity of Saba. An additional $5,000 was allocated for the purchase of necessary recreational material. OYOHF, the Planning Bureau and Dutch housing corporation Woonlinie were instrumental in promoting the project, stated a press release issued by OYOHF. The youth facility is to be renovated and upgraded with the involvement of the young beneficiaries.
Source: “The Daily Herald” 3013-07-10

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