Saturday , March 15 2025

Entrepreneurship award for Stanley Peterson

In the Daily Herald can be read about Stanley Peterson, developer of the recently opened Breadline Plaza in Windwardside, receiving an award Thursday from Saba Business Association (SBA). In recognition of local entrepreneurs, SBA plans to establish this as an annual award to encourage local entrepreneurs to creatively respond to economic needs with new business models and projects.

Handing the award, SBA-President Wolfgang Tooten said that Peterson received this award for his perseverance in finalizing a business project which addresses multiple social and economic needs. Tooten described Breadline Plaza as “an impressive development project which Peterson executed extremely well. It fits into the surrounding, upgrades the touristic product of Saba, and is executed in high-quality materials, giving other smaller businesses a needed new home.” Extending high praise, Tooten added that the plaza also provides a place for social gatherings. “We are proud to give this award to a young entrepreneur who took a huge risk. We hope it will encourage young Sabans to reach for their goals and become selfemployed. We are proud to have an SBA member like Mr. Peterson in our midst,” said Tooten.

Asked about what this award meant to him, Peterson said: “It means a tremendous amount to me to be recognized by SBA. When you go into business you try to be successful; you don’t expect to be recognized by your peers. It is overwhelming to say the least.” He said it was the most important award he ever received. The award means a lot to the entire Peterson family, especially to Stanley’s wife, Barbara, and his parents, Eddy and Evette, who as a family overcame many obstacles and persevered in seeing Stanley’s vision come to life, it was said.

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  1. Way to go Stan & Barb….I knew there were great things for the both of you…
    Sandi and Roger

  2. Congratulation! This whole project is uplifting WWS, it’s super!

  3. The Saba Business Association is proud to have Mr. Stanley Peterson as a member and we hope many more will follow in his footsteps.

  4. Stan, you and your family are an asset to Saba and an example of what hard work plus determination can achieve. Congratulation!