Following the presentation of United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF report “Children of the Kingdom, juvenile rights in the Caribbean Netherlands,” Karin Kloosterboer of UNICEF Netherlands will be visiting Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba to give presentations and workshops to professionals working with youth, ascan be read in The Daily Herald. Kloosterboer is the author of the report and has researched the situation concerning juvenile rights in the Caribbean Netherlands. The report was presented to Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk during a symposium in Leiden, the Netherlands, on May 23, and can be read on SabaNews.
During her visit to the islands, Kloosterboer will hold guest lectures at SGB Bonaire high school, Saba Comprehensive School and Sacred Hearth School. A conference for professionals on Bonaire is planned for Thursday, September 12. Similar conferences are planned for Monday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 17 on Saba. The conference on Statia will be taking place Thursday, September 19 and Friday, September 20.
“With the report in hand, every professional present will be challenged during the conference to think about ways to solve the complex issues,” it was stated in a press release issued by Government Service Caribbean Netherlands RCN. Kloosterboer will also give presentations about juvenile rights for the general public on Bonaire, Statia and Saba. The presentation on Bonaire will be held at Jong Bonaire and is scheduled for Friday, September 13. The meeting on Statia will be held at the Lion’s Den on Thursday, September 19, starting at 6:30pm. The meeting on Saba is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, at a yet to be announced location and time.
The topics on the programme are: what are juvenile rights, why juvenile rights, the most important juvenile rights, and fears and concerns about juvenile rights. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and have a discussion.
Information about the May 23 symposium and the reports per island can be found on UNICEF Website. Summaries of the reports can be downloaded at unicef/koninkrijkskinderen/ but is also published on the Publication Board of SabaNews.