Tuesday , March 11 2025

Stolte intends to resign on May 1, 2014

Mr. Wilbert Stolte
Mr. Wilbert Stolte

Following a press release from the RCN, the Kingdom Representative for the public entities of Bonaire, St.Eustatius  and Saba, Mr. Wilbert Stolte, has informed Minister Plasterk of Home Affairs & Kingdom Relations, that he wants to resign from his post as of  May 1st 2014.

At that moment he has held this office for three years, a period that also applies to government officials who are sent to the Caribbean Netherlands. Mr. Stolte will continue to execute his job as Kingdom Representative of the Caribbean part of the Netherlands with full dedication until his resignation.

The Caribisch Netwerk journalist, Jamila Baaziz, reported that Plasterk did not mention the sustainability of the position of Stolte, which is already  for some time under pressure. It is believed that is he is getting little support from the government and politicians on Bonaire. There was no reference made to disclosure of the NRC newspaper about possible misuse of grant funds by the executive Foundation Collaboration Netherlands Antilles (SONA), for which Stolte had been the treasurer for some time.

Plasterk also mentioned  the planned review of the constitutional reform since 10-10 – ’10. During this evaluation it will investigated how “ the various Dutch (official and other) institutions and mechanisms function, such as official for portals, the National Caribbean Netherlands (RCN), the so-called liaison functions and the Kingdom Representative” . This involves an assessment of the institutions, not the officials. The  complexity of the government on the BES islands will also be looked at.

Rijksvertegenwoordiger Wilbert Stolte resigned after problems on Bonaire
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One comment

  1. Quote:”At that moment he has held this office for three years, a period that also applies to government officials who are sent to the Caribbean Netherlands.” unquote.

    Nicely tried. But did we forget that he is appointed for a period of 6 (SIX) years ?
    Quote: “This involves an assessment of the institutions, not the officials. “ unquote.

    This is nonsense. Let me explain.
    Several new institutions are created for the BES islands. Most of them started with
    un-experienced, not adequately trained employees. Meaning that the outcome, the results out of such institutions is what the employees made/make of it. Where we / are we happy with that ?
    Example: after almost 3 years the ZVK office apparently is still NOT able to pay all traveling patients and their companions their allowance in time.
    Does that mean that the institution, as it is meant to be, is not the right institution, or is it the management that is not able to do the task they are being paid for ?
    For me as citizen, dependable on such type of institutions, it is the outcome that is important and nothing else.