Saturday , March 15 2025

Flamingo Communications gets new mail concession for Bonaire, Statia and Saba

logo flamingo communications

The last months the Ministry of Economic Affairs has been busy with the awarding  of a new concession for mail services on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The current concession of NPNA will end at the end of this year. On October 17th Minister Henk Kamp of Economic Affairs appointed Flamingo Communications N.V. as the new concessionaire from January 2014.

The new concession has a term of 10 years with a possible extension of up to three years. Flamingo Communications NV is a local company on Bonaire, which will expand its current activities with mail services. The company is currently starting an implementation to make a seamless transition with NPNA possible on January 1, 2014.  She will execute the mail services under the name Dutch Caribbean Flamingo Express NV perform. In the new concession is taken into account that  the declining mail volumes put  the profitability of the mail  services under pressure. Therefore, the new concession is based upon a 3-day delivery. The local mail rate will be increased and will be 88 dollar cents.

The people on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will soon be informed about how the new concessionaire (Dutch Caribbean Flamingo Express NV) will execute the mail services.

Press release RCN October 29, 2013

Winners CN Expo are known
Tonight: Saba’s Breast Cancer Awareness Walk


  1. René Caderius van Veen

    So far: everything will be better than “Nieuwe Post” but regarding the good-willing and performing employees of Nieuwe Post on Saba, I must say that I’m sorry for them.

  2. Maybe the employees of Nieuwe Post can do the post service for Flaminco communication. They need to have a job and Flamingo comm. need service people on the Island.

  3. I’m with you on sentiment Johanna, but I say send employees from Bonaire so we can watch them tear their hair out when it’s addressed to:

    “Some bloke called Mal, Under Sally’s after Eddie’s, turn left at the Donkey and it’s first on the left” Windwardside. Saba, Dutch Caribbean

    We could all do with a laugh and the Nieuwe Post Employees who know everybody and deserve involvement for their years of service can set up a private consultancy and ride shot-gun with the Flamingo Employees for a very healthy fee to give directions. Bonaire wins again and just for once… Saba wins as well!

    Everybody’s happy…

  4. Here we goes again. Henk Kamp making some deal that will not benefit the people of Saba. Wouldn’t it have been much better for Henk Kamp and his people to work out a deal with St. Maarten Postal Service to handle all mail traffic for both Saba and Statia. Again we have to depend on some company operating out of Bonaire that has no idea what Saba is all about. These are the issues that people just do not trust this whole Dutch operatus. Tell me why St. Maarten Postal Service could not work for us. We have a long history of working together where mail is concerned and it would have been so much better and easier. But at the end I guess Henk Kamp and his croonies got to please some buddy. I ask myself if the local Government has played any role in the discussions leading up to who should service the island in terms of the mails? Honestly I could care less about the Postal Service as I do not see it being benefical anymore. I ask myself who still makes use of the Postal Service on Saba? With the Internet nobody needs the services of the Postal Services anymore. When I Iook at the amount of mail coming in and going out when compared to 15 years ago in my opinion the Postal Service is not profitable anymore here on Saba. At least I can talk about this because I have worked in this area for some years.and know what amount of mail use to come in here. When last has boat mail arrived on Saba? .

  5. Dave,

    I stopped being amused 3 years ago, being bemused 2 years ago and frustrated a year after. Pointing fingers? My Father schooled me never to do so. We all have to get on with whatever we do to get by.

    Saba will continue, the nature of others is not our concern, we have enough challenges. I use “us” as this is my home and where my life dwells.

    More autonomy for Statia & Saba is the only way as Bonaire has truly demonstrated their lack of Education, brutality and ignorance on every god damn level.

    How do you say “Thanks for the show” in papiamento?

  6. René Caderius van Veen

    I completely agree with Dave Levenstone that St. Maarten Postal Service is likely to be an interesting option for Saba and Statia. How has this choice of Kamp been made? What influence did the islands have? Why would it be necessary to make contracts and have the same regulations for all 3 BES-islands? Was there an open procedure for companies to subscribe for this service. That would be obligatory for the Dutch government regarding EU-regulations. Maybe that the questions in the Dutch parliament can lead to forcing Kamp to revise his decision. If both governments of Saba and Statia agree with another solution, then I would even like to suggest a boycot.