Saturday , March 15 2025

Gay rights kept an eye on

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk will keep a keen eye on the rights of homosexuals in the Dutch Caribbean, but at the same time he is aware of the fact that this area is a responsibility of the autonomous countries. The minister stated this in a recent letter to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament in response to written questions by four Members of Parliament. The MPs were alarmed about reports that Curaçao authorities in early October, decided at the last moment not to give a permit for the Gay Pride event in downtown Punda and to pose additional, heavier conditions. This led to the cancellation of the event. The MPs considered this a violation of the rights of gays and the right to demonstrate and to gather as a group.

The MPs asked the Minister to make “very clear” to the Curaçao Government that the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-genders had to be “completely respected”  and demanded to know how the safety and freedom of expression of this group would be guaranteed.

Plasterk responded that he had received no reports that the safety and freedom of expression of homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-genders were not guaranteed in Curaçao. In fact, the article in the Daily Herald writes only about concerns related to  Curaçao, although the minister apparently made his remark about keeping an eye on the rights of homosexuals related to the Dutch Caribbean, which would mean the three public entities. [red]

.“Surely I will keep a keen eye on the developments in this area within the Kingdom,” was what Plasterk stated.

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