Saturday , March 15 2025

The 25th anniversary of Saba Living Water Community

The sisters of Living Water Community (LWC) marked their 25th anniversary with a special thanksgiving service held at Sacred Heart Church on Monday evening, November 4th, reports The Daily Herald. Presiding over the special ceremony, Father Danilo “Dan” Pastor expressed his great appreciation for the support and missionary work of the LWC. The evening was an opportunity for Saba LWC sisters and members to renew their covenant. The evening’s featured guest was LWC co-founder Sister Rose Jackman, a native of Barbados, who is currently continuing her missionary work there. Sister Rose extended her gratitude to the many gathered to show their fondness for the work of LWC. The good turnout is recognition that the LWC sisters do make a difference in the community. Sister Rose recalled she was already 48 years old during her first visits to Saba while establishing the community here and remarked on the many impacted by LWC throughout the years. She extended congratulations on behalf of LWC co-founder sister Rhonda Maingot and spoke of the need to encourage all in following their religious vocations.
LWC Sister Jenni Jennings, a local leader dedicated to working with local Catholic youth, thanked all in the community for their service here. She said the sisters’ service is “a privilege of sharing both in good and bad times” and pointed to the newly renovated home of the LWC as “a major symbol of your acceptance”, adding that “It stands as a sign to your ability and power to come together, a sign of the power of prayer and that over time so much can be accomplished.” The LWC residence next to the church is “a place for sharing and support when life throws a curve-ball,” said Sister Jenni, stressing that the sisters want “to be part of the flow of life in the community.” On behalf of LWC Saba household and covenant members she called on parishioners to celebrate the milestone they have made possible. The sisters put together an extensive exposition of photo-filled posters, encouraging parishioners to walk down memory lane and celebrate the good and the not-so-good times they were privileged to share with simplicity and love. The evening continued with refreshments and companionship under a tent on church grounds.

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