Monday , March 10 2025

Community invited to meet royal couple

The Daily Herald writes that the community is invited to come out and meet King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima on their visit to Saba on Thursday, November 14. The royal couple has specifically requested for them to be able to get in touch with as many people from the island as possible. Thursday, at 9:30am, the King and Queen will arrive by Winair flight at Juancho Yrausquin International Airport. They will be welcomed by pupils of Sacred Heart and Saba Comprehensive School. The children will be wearing unique T-shirts designed just for this occasion. Once the Saba song is sung by the school choir, the monarchs will be given an account of the history of the airport, which is commemorating 50 years of service. Following this welcome, the royal couple will visit Spring Bay trail. At the trailhead, the royals will unveil a sign indicating the entrance to the island’s first Heritage Trail. From Spring Bay they will visit Organoponics Farm at The Level, which was among the finalists for the Kroonappels (Crown Apples) awards earlier this year. Queen Máxima, who is a patron of the Oranje Fonds, specifically requested a visit to the garden to be added to the visit’s schedule.

Everyone is encouraged to come out and meet the royal couple at the next part of the programme; a cultural manifestation at Princess Juliana sports field, where Saba’s past and culture will be on display. Through dance and drama, young actors are to depict some of Saba’s heroes, who have made a great contribution to the development of the island. Due to matters of protocol and security, no one will be permitted to enter the sports field after the King and Queen have entered. Persons, who would like to attend the cultural manifestation, should to be there by 10:40am in anticipation of the arrival of the royal couple. Busses will be provided for the event from 9:00am. The last bus will leave Zion’s Hill at 10:15am. Using the bus is strongly recommended, because there will be limited parking in The Bottom. At 1:30pm, there will be another opportunity to greet the King and Queen when they will stand on the balcony of the Government Administration Building to view the Parade of Nations, during which representatives of 40 of the 66 nationalities that reside on Saba will parade their nations’ flags. When the parade is over, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will meet social partners at a reception for invited guests on Mathew Levenstone Street. They will then visit Under the Hill social housing project.
The King and Queen are to leave Saba at 3:30pm. Everyone is invited to bid them farewell at the airport in traditional Saban style while they are being serenaded by The Occasionals band.
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