Wednesday , February 5 2025

Award winners in CN Expo

The Director of Tourism Office Glenn Holm officiated at an awards ceremony Wednesday evening, at the Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside, reports The Daily Herald. During the ceremony Saba’s winners in the “CN Expo” Competition were recognised. Organised by the Caribbean Netherlands Government Service (RCN) on Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire (BES) the photo competition titled “This is the place,” was designed to stimulate greater awareness about the islands in conjunction with the 200 year celebrations of The Kingdom of The Netherlands. King Willem-Alexander simultaneously opened the exhibits displayed on the three islands during the Royal Couple’s recent visit in the region.

Holm handed to each Saba winner: Hanneke Magee Quist (corr. SabaNews), Alessandro Guido, Esmeralda Johnson, Frankelly Wilson, Olivia Johnson and Denicio Levenstone – a canvas of their own selected photo. In addition Hemmie van Xanten, Jasper Oei and Martijn Schuuring each received a digital Lytro camera as part of their awards. The exhibit remains open to the public during regular business hours until December 16.


Lt. Governor Bonaire, Lydia Emerencia, resigned today
World AIDS Day

One comment

  1. Massively deserved addendum: My wife’s name is Magee.(Misspelt twice now by the reporter quoted, good god it was written on the wall over Hanneke Magee Quist’s picture) The expo is scheduled to end on the 16th of December.

    Great job, As usual. Dates and names folks, that’s the least we can ask from an “accurate news source”.

    Such a fail on so many levels, no accuracy on any level. Sad for Saba.