Featuring work of local artists Heleen Cornet and Mary Thielman, Peanut Gallery at Lambee’s Place in Windwardside will be holding its first exhibition of the new season under the title “Saba: Above and Below.” The exhibit will run from Saturday, December 14, until Friday, December 20.
The public opening reception will be held Saturday, 7:00-9:00pm. The gallery is open Monday to Saturday, 9:00am-6:00pm, and on Sunday from 12:00-3:00pm.
The title “Saba: Above and Below” refers to the themes explored in the works on display, said curator and gallery manager Gersh Geenty. “Mary Thielman’s paintings are of the Saba that everybody knows: the flora and fauna, landscapes, seascapes and architecture that surround us and that we see every day.

Heleen Cornet’s paintings, however, explore another world that we only get to see if we have the expertise and if we make the effort: this is the world below the ocean’s surface; the undersea world of reefs, coral, fish and many other strange creatures.”