Saturday , March 15 2025

Labour Union officially launched

The Saba United People’s Labour Union Association was officially launched at the Ambulance Department Friday, as writes the Daily Herald. President of the newly established union Ludwina Lucas-Charles welcomed all present and explained that the union was now officially established after being legalised by a notary. The board of the association further consists of Vice-President Antonio Hughes, Secretary Kenrick Lake, Treasurer Sophie Coffie and board members Aleya Abraham, Shanella Petty and Sharon Hassell. Attending the launching ceremony were Director of Saba Health Care Foundation Dr. Joka Blaauboer, Vice-President Carmen Simmons, board member Dave Levenstone of Benevolent Foundation Saba, Director of Hon. Henry Every Old Age Home Roseta Riley and employees of the Medical Centre and Senior Citizens’ Home. In her opening remarks, Lucas-Charles thanked Julian Lynch of Windward Islands Health Union and Associates, and his board of directors, for guiding them since 2009. She said it was time to start their own union to represent and defend the interest of all workers in Saba. She thanked members for the confidence put in her in serving as first president and called on them to work together as a team.

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One comment

  1. Congratulations! This was long overdue for Saba.