Sunday , March 9 2025

Nature foundations monitor mammals

The Daily Herald writes that St Maarten Nature Foundation, in cooperation with Dolphin Defenders St. Maarten, the Reserve Naturelle of St. Martin and St. Barths, the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance and various other partners, will be conducting a wide scale census of all marine mammals found around St. Maarten and St. Martin territorial waters, including the Man of War Shoal Marine Park. “From February to May several hundreds of humpback whales migrate from the northern Atlantic to areas within the Caribbean to give birth and nurse their young before heading back up north,” read a statement from the Nature Foundation. Numerous other species of whales and dolphins, including sperm whales and several types of dolphins, make local waters their home. Several facts are hoped to be established as a result of the study, including most numerous species, migration routes and dates, and the feasibility of regulated wild whale and dolphin watching trips.
The most abundant marine mammal species recorded in 2013 was the humpback whale, with the total number recorded at 33 individuals, including calves. The second most abundant species was the bottlenose dolphin, with a total of 45 individuals; the third most abundant species recorded was the long snouted spinner dolphin with 22 individuals recorded within the island’s territorial waters.
During research conducted in conjunction with the French Marine Reserve and the AGOA Marine Mammal Sanctuary, The Nature Foundation also observed numerous sperm whales, including mothers with their young. Using acoustic research and visual observations researchers are now trying to determine if there is a sperm whale travelling route in the deep waters between St. Maarten and Saba.

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