Friday , March 14 2025

Saba’s Civil Servants to receive increase in Salary


Civil Servants of the Public Entity of Saba will receive an increase in their salary this month. Salaries will be increased by one step based on the scale the civil servant is currently in. Additionally, they will receive a onetime bashi premium of $150 along with their January salary.

Last year, the Public Entity also paid a onetime $800 cost of living allowance and increased the Christmas bonus from $500 to $750 despite the fact that negotiations between the various unions that represent the civil servants and RCN had come to a standstill.

The Public Entity is waiting on the outcome of this year’s negotiations to determine what additional benefits will be extended to its civil service.

Press release GIS Saba, January 16, 2014

“Wild 4 Nature” at Trail Shop
Islands Photo Expo at Vacation Fair


  1. Honestly speaking in my personal opinion as a citizen I don’t think this is even news because it still does not compensate for the high cost of living on the island. An overhall of all salaries is what is badly needed to cope with reality. When comparing salaries of certain institutions on the island civil servants are the worse paid. In this day and age I do not think that any civil servants should be going home with less than US$ 1500,00 per month based on the cost of living. This so call increase is something that is regulated by law seeing that no sort of job evaluation has been carried out on the respective civil servants. Let us hope that this year Government would finally decide to start following all the legal procedures for the civil servants and also come with upgrading and training for all civil servants.

  2. Relative to a time and motion study?

  3. Very nice for the civil servants concerned. Not so nice for all the other citizens who are sponsoring this increase from their taxes. Equality ?????