Sunday , March 9 2025

ICT students SGB/MBO get internship and job guarantee of RCN

The Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN)  is cooperating with the Scholengemeenschap Bonaire (SGB) in a unique work-study project. Four students of the SGB/MBO/ICT are going to The Netherlands  for about 4 months on internship/training. They also do this in the context of the completion of their study. When they return, they have a job guarantee on Bonaire from RCN, if they will complete the training successfully.

Helpdesk function

The students will then start working at the help desk ICT of RCN. This help desk will provide support in ICT to the ministries in the Hague for the Shared Service Organization-ICT (SSC-ICT).

Because Bonaire is situated  in another time zone than The Netherlands, this  commitment makes it possible to provide also support in the evening (Dutch time) to the public servants of the ministries .

So if people have problems with their ICT (password, login problems, internet issues etc), they get someone of RCN/ICT on the phone to support them.

Stimulate development

RCN started this cooperation, because they consider it important that  young people in the Caribbean are stimulated in their development. This has several advantages: as an island you can increase your ICT expertise and we are expanding the number of people with ICT knowledge and experience on the island. Furthermore, through this collaboration with SSC-ICT, employment is created on the island.

ict students

Who are the players?

In the picture are the four key players and their parents: Anwar Thielman, Rubert Sint Jago, Alvinson Soliana and Lex Simonis.

Arno van Dongen (vice-director RCN/Centraal) and Perry van der Weyden (director SSC-ICT) are the promoters and clients for the project.

For RCN, the project is carried out by Judith Brekelmans (human resources advisor) and Junior de Lain (project leader RCN/ICT). In The Netherlands the students are accompanied by Faysel Fransisco (RCN/ICT).

Hans v.d. Linden is the project leader of SSC-ICT. From SGB/MBO, OCW (Education) , Jong Bonaire and the leerplichtambtenaar (compulsory education officer)  every cooperation is given to this unique project.

Departure to The Netherlands

On February 1st, the students depart to The Netherlands, under the guidance of Arno van Dongen. There they are handed over to the care of SSC-ICT. They provide the guidance,  training and housing in The Netherlands. The students take up residence in The Hague.

Follow up

All parties involved cooperate enthusiastically, there is a lot of energy in the project. The students are ambassadors of Bonaire, Saba and Statia in The Netherlands. If this project is successful, RCN will study to see if there are  possibilities for further expansion. This will provide even more opportunities to build knowledge and to bring more jobs to the island.

Press release RCN, January 19, 2014


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