Tuesday , March 18 2025

Bingo fundraiser for Carnival

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Cultural Foundation held its first food sale and bingo of the year on Saturday at Princess Juliana sports field in The Bottom. The proceeds will go towards preparations for the 39th Saba Summer Festival. Organizers described the event as “a smashing success.” President Dave Levenstone said that “from all reports reaching us those that attended felt that this was one of the best bingos ever held on the island with the kind of prizes that were there to be won.” The foundation secured generous donations which allowed them to award some 22 prizes, ranging from home appliances, such as oven broilers, a stove, washing machine and a freezer, to electronics such as a 26- inch flat-screen television and a touch-screen laptop. There was even a raffle for a Caribbean cruise, won by Nathanial Johnson. Saba Comprehensive School student Michel Hassell won the laptop, which he really needed for his studies, his mother stressed. On behalf of the Board, Levenstone expressed gratitude towards the many generous sponsors of the event. He added special thanks to the Saba Lions Club “for lending us their bingo machine and cards,” and to the Department of Public Works for their assistance. “As a foundation we have to also work towards raising funds to host the carnival celebrations and that we should not only depend on government subsidy,” Levenstone said pledging that the foundation will organize more fundraisers in the coming weeks.

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