Monday , March 17 2025

” No vision , no direction , no trust, no communication and no tuning ‘

It may be called a miracle that sometimes something goes well from what the Dutch government is doing in the Caribbean Netherlands.
Among the civil servants in the ministries who are employed or ares sent to the islands cooperation leaves much to be desired . This is evident from the results that have not yet been made public from the study commissioned by Minister Ronald Plasterk ( PvdA ) of the Interior and Kingdom Relations ( BZK ) into the functioning of the state administration in respect of Bonaire , Sint Eustatius and Saba .
Although the Minister  has  the investigation report already in his possession for almost three months, he has still not presented it to the parliament or otherwise disclosed . The conclusion of the rapporteurs that much is wrong with the way the government deals with the islands , derives the Antilliaans Dagblad on a confidential fifth version of their findings .
The conclusions are completely damning: officials concerned do not trust each other, have little understanding of each other, some communicate not at all with each other and those who do, share  their information in an insufficient way, management and prioritization are lacking, there is no central vision and moreover also too little sense of implementation. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Affairs and Representative Wilbert Stolte distrust each other so deeply that there is cooperation hardly any more .

The research was conducted by the Inspection Department Signaling and Supervision ( ISB) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . The researchers have focused solely on the internal functioning of the government with respect to the Caribbean Netherlands, specifically the coordination.
The image that the rapporteurs are sketching, shows a staggering lack of control by the Directorate of Kingdom Relations, the department responsible for the coordination between the ministries in The Hague and the National Caribbean Netherlands (RCN). Most ministries are asking for more intensive role of the Interior of BZK, something on which the Second and First Chamber insist already, but Plasterk has so far – in line with its predecessors Donner and Spies – withdrawn.
The measures that the Minister has taken so far to improve coordination do not seem to work in practice. There is a so-called CN- table in which all ministries that develop policy and implementation on the three BES islands are represented on high-level. This small club however cannot perform because it is insufficiently supported.
In addition to the CN- table there is also an interdepartmental working group (IWG) at working level created.  Within the IWG only with difficulty exists a real exchange of ideas and visions . There is often a one way communication and the policy makers responsible for the content are not always present . “The IWG lacks effectiveness to feed the CN- table with appropriate content” according to the report.
Source : Antilliaans Dagblad


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One comment

  1. Interesting that they find out now, what we are saying all along. They expect the people to be ready all the time but can’t get their stuff together themselves. What did we say: go slow, take easy steps, be flexible, include the stakeholders and the local governments and most important: use common sense. Nothing we said was heard, since they know it all better but obviously they don’t. Time that they get someone reasonable, qualified and understanding in the right position.