Saturday , March 15 2025

Lions Zone Chairman Frank Wilson visits Anguilla

The Daily Herald writes that last weekend, Anguilla Lions and Leo Clubs were visited by Lion Zone Chairman Frank Wilson of Saba Lions Club Zone 2B, who is also Deputy Governor of Saba. He was accompanied by past Zone Chairman of St. Maarten Lions Club Lion Frank Elstak. The meeting was held at Soroptimist Hall and took the form of sharing of information and clarification of matters pertaining to Lionism. Wilson felt strongly that the clubs should resume the friendship exchange weekend. The overall discussion was well received by all Lions and Leos present, who expressed their satisfaction with the tone and setting of the same. The feature presentation was made by Past Lion Zone Chairman Frank Elstak, where he presented Anguilla Lion President Renford Kelsick with items to be distributed among the members of Anguilla Lions and Leo clubs. One of the ongoing projects that the Lions are involved in for the past year is a Reading Action Programme (RAP) for after school children at Methodist Eleos Centre in Sandy Ground.
Upcoming meetings/conventions for Lions and Leos will be the mid-year Conference on St. Thomas in March, Zone meeting for clubs of Zone 60B (which includes Anguilla) on St. Maarten in April, a Convention in Suriname in May and the International Convention in Canada in July.

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