Saturday , March 15 2025

Library ready for software upgrade

Head librarian of Queen Wilhelmina Library (QWL) Joanna Simmons and librarian Tiffany Zagers attended a two-day training on digital upgrading at Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) on St. Maarten. PLJ hosted the training in collaboration with QWL and Gertrude Judson Library of St. Eustatius. The three libraries are upgrading to the KOHA-Liblime software that will link their online resources with PJL becoming the hosting partner.

Staff of the three libraries received training on digital cataloguing and circulation. Once implemented, this digitalization of inventory will allow library users on the three islands to access available resources online and place hold on books. QWL already installed a new library-card system with photo identification which will ease the tracking of the use of resources. Personal information on cardholders must be entered into the new system in addition to library inventory information.

The digitalization upgrade of the three libraries was made possible with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Saba’s library used the funds to acquire new furniture and computers and additional books and magazine subscriptions for children and adults. Simmons is excited about the new opportunities for the library and said the funding still allows them to acquire a lot of additional books and other supporting materials.

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