Friday , March 14 2025

Dredging Works start at Cove Bay

Heavy equipment began dredging the pond at Cove Bay today. The work entails increasing the depth of the pond which has gradually become shallower since the last time work was done there. While the machine is there they will also reinforce the breakwater in some areas. The work is being executed by contractor Saba Roads.

dredging works at Cove Bay

When the work is completed the sand that was shipped to Saba from St. Maarten will be spread over the beach like it had been done previously. The work is being done now, so that the area can be ready for the upcoming Easter and summer holidays when the use of the beach increase. Construction of the playground for the Cove Bay is also expected to start soon.

The dredging is expected to last two weeks and will also be carried on Saturdays. During this time swimmers are advised not to swim in the pond. The Executive Council apologizes for the inconvenience and asks the public for their cooperation at this time.

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