Friday , March 14 2025

Sub-district Governor Lions visited Saba

The Daily Herald writes that Lions Club Subdistrict 60B Governor Izett McCalla visited Saba last week to meet with Saba Lions and Island Governor Jonathan Johnson. Sub-district 60B covers all Lions Clubs in the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean islands. McCalla attended a formal working dinner Wednesday at Scout’s Place in Windwardside, organized by Saba Lions President Glenn Holm.
Zone Chair Lion Franklin Wilson formally welcomed District Governor and Jamaican businessman Mc- Calla to Saba. McCalla said this was his first visit to the island. He was “impressed by the majesty of Saba. He said it was remarkable that Saba Lions performed so well, winning many club awards, considering the island’s small scale. He stressed this was a visit and no audit, intended to afford him a better insight into the functioning of the club and its members so as to better guide further development. McCalla said he was surprised not to see any homeless people on Saba and found the island’s compact size, its tightly knit community and “impressive” topography to be unlike any other place he has ever visited.

He was also impressed with the ability of local Lions to secure a visa for his visit and took this as a confirmation of the impressive positive reports he has read about Saba Lions Club. McCalla wanted to find out how to assist the club in areas where improvements can be made, such as in membership, experience and reporting. Interim secretary Bastiaan Janssens, explained that the club’s titular secretary Aaron Soares had been off island and assured McCalla that the backlog in reporting would be addressed promptly. McCalla also pointed at the vulnerability of low membership turnout and hoped efforts would be made to improve participation. Treasurer Carl Buncamper briefed McCalla on the Lions’ financial health and the sustainability of projects. On request, Janssens mentioned the challenges in stepping-up Alpha Leo Club activities in Saba. McCalla said that the involvement of youths is not just a problem in Saba but all over the Caribbean. He stressed the importance to keep a positive tone when encouraging youth and not to focus on shortcomings. McCalla was also concerned about the trend among senior members to avoid board positions, and advised in favour of a secret ballot. Saba Lions are to present board nominations during its meeting on April 1. McCalla also showed interested in the presence of Saba Lions on the Internet and other means of communication with the general public. McCalla suggested organising a symposium to bring together family members and Club friends to increase the public profile of Lions’ projects and efforts. He also suggested encouraging individual donations and a system of recognition for such contributions. McCalla handed over chevron distinctions to Saba Lions members. Carolyn Johnson received one for 10 years of service. Rolando Wilson and George Wilson received similar chevrons for 20 years of service. Prior to his departure, the Lions Club District Governor met with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson.


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