Tuesday , October 22 2024

Gied Mommers long awaited book about his life on Saba is now available

The third book of Gied Mommers “Tot en met morgen” (Up to and including tomorrow) has recently been published in The Netherlands (in Dutch). In this book he tells the true stories of his life on Saba: history from yesterday.

Gied book

The backside reads:

Where in the world can you still leave your door open without worrying and leave the car keys in the ignition? Where are the mangoes for grabs and can you enjoy fruit trees in your garden or in your friendly neighbors’? Where it is never cold and rarely too hot? Where are so many nationalities  working and living happily together and where everyone can shake hands with king Willem Alexander and queen Maxima? Of course, this is only possible on the most beautiful 13 square kilometers in The Netherlands: Saba.

Interested? you can order Gied’s book online at Literatuurplein.nl

Kamerbrief over benoemingsprocedure Rijksvertegenwoordiger
Rapport Commissie “Kleine evaluatie Caribisch Nederland”