Monday , March 10 2025

Correctional Institution Dutch Carribean (JICN) and Krusada kick off the building of the center for labor activation in Bonaire.

On Friday April 4th,  2014 the Correctional Institution Dutch Carribean and Krusada will symbolically kick off the cooperation in the construction and development of a center for labor activation. This center is built on the site of Krusada, at the Kaminda Lagun. The Director of JICN,location Bonaire, Patricia Hassell JICN, and the Chairman of the Foundation Krusada, Herbert Domacasse, will perform the official act at 4.15 PM.

Unique project

Unique in this project is that the center is being built by the final users themselves. Inmates (prisoners)  and clients of Krusada will build the new building, finish and furnish it, under the guidance of specialist trainers. The furniture for the building is “homemade”. The building will consist of a workshop, warehouse, activities room, kitchen and store.

Learn a trade

When the property of the new center for labor activation (CvA) will be ready, inmates of JICN and clients of Krusada can learn a trade and get used to the working rhythm. There is opportunity to do wood and metal work, sewing, card making, wrapping and scroll sawing. There is also a small shop. Participants also learn basic work skills and are prepared for a successful return to society.

Krusada and JICN have signed a cooperation agreement with each other for a period of five years.

Press release RCN, March 31, 2014

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