Tuesday , October 22 2024

Dutch Museum on Saba

Update of opening hours:
every afternoon between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m.  and besides that for other times on request (phone 416 5856 or email caderius@mac.com)

It is a new private initiative of permanent exhibitions – kind of a private  but real museum – that has been opened on Saba.
The collections are not from Saba but from the Netherlands and are definitely unique for the whole Dutch Caribbean. The collections are combined with informative powerpoint presentations and websites.

All antiques are from between 1500 and 1850 and have been inherited by René Caderius van Veen, who – since he was a boy of 5 years old – was always present when his grandmother  started to collect antiques after having lost much in Arnhem (Netherlands) in WorldWar II and even as a small boy he was almost always asked which artefacts he liked the most. He also inherited collections from two aunts.

saba-salon-etsen kopie

Almost everything from his home (see: www.boschplaatse.nl) has been transported to Saba in January 2011. Already in that year the first exhibitions of many books from between 1640 and 1777 – especially those with beautiful copper-engravings – and of Dutch tiles from between 1625 to 1850 have been organised by René together with powerpoint presentations and websites also of Persian tapestry and Chinese, Japanese and Saxonian porcelain from between 1600 and 1900.
Making inventories and presentations of everything is a time-consuming activity and is still going on, but as a sufficient part is ready now, the exhibition of most of the antiques is permanent from now on.


In a traditional Saban cottage in Windwardside, that has been renovated a couple of years ago by Jim and Judy Stewart – now living in New Mexico after having left Saba in 2011 – an atmosphere has been created, which is astonishing. It is true: the furniture etc. is definitely not from Saba, but the fact that all artefacts are that old and so beautiful, makes that anyone who loves antiques and cultural history is very much charmed by it.

Moreover a lot of background information is available shared on internet, in powerpoint presentations and when guided by René.
The location is Park Lane Street 12, Windwardside (at the corner just above Juliana’s)
On internet more info can be found on www.sabaweb.nl/dutch-museum-saba/
Opening hours: every afternoon between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. for other times on request (phone 416 5856 or email caderius@mac.com)
The maximum number of visitors at one time is 6 persons. Arrangements for ppt-presentations or more complete examples of collections can also be made by phone or by email.

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