Friday , March 14 2025

Book Week 2014 activities

The Daily Herald writes that the annual Book Week organized by Queen Wilhelmina Library commenced Monday morning with an opening ceremony at Sacred Heart primary school in St. John’s. Island Governor Jonathan Johnson attended the ceremony as did Windward Islands People’s Movement (WIPM) Island Councilman Carl Buncamper and his counterpart of Saba Labour Party (SLP) Ishmael Levenston.

The event opened with the children singing the Saba Song and reciting various poems before an audience, mainly consisting of parents and grandparents. The Governor’s opening speech was cut short due to a downpour, but organizers were still able to hand him a T-shirt for his baby. The winner of this year’s Book Week theme contest is grade 2B pupil Kayla Johnson, with her motto: “A, B, C and D, Grab a Book and Read with me.” The logo and advertisement materials were also selected in a contest, which was won by fourth former Escarlin Vasquez.

Main Book Week organizer and head librarian Joanna Simmons announced a variety of activities. After the opening, kindergarten children and children attending Laura Linzey Day Care Centre were taken to the library at Carmen Simmons Cultural Complex in The Bottom. La-Toya Charles entertained the children with reading and playful activities, some of these involving colouring, while others involved healthy vegetables and fruits. She encouraged the children to drink more water and eat healthy, faithful to the main messages of Saba Fit, of which she is the coordinator. Volunteer Tara Every painted fruits on the faces of all participating children, something the children really enjoyed, said Simmons.

Throughout the week, Leo Club members will be reading stories to the younger children visiting the library during the afternoons. These readings will be complemented with interactive games and contests with prizes. Each child will receive at least one book. Today, Tuesday, first and second formers will be taken to Saba Reach Foundation’s (SRF) Organoponics Farm, where agricultural foreman Otto Manuel Andéres Ramos and SRF Director Charles will talk about agriculture. On Wednesday, form 4, 5, and 6 pupils will go on tour at Saba University School of Medicine campus, in the hope of motivating local youth to pursue higher education. On Thursday, 2B and 3 form pupils will be given a tour of A.M Edwards Medical Centre, led by Nurse Lisette Peterson. The largest event will be Friday’s closing walk-athon from Sacred Heart School to Princess Juliana Sports Field in The Bottom, which will start at 8:30am.


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