Friday , March 14 2025

Junior Rangers Bonaire enjoy adventures on Saba

The site reported that Stinapa Junior Rangers have paid a visit to Saba and have left a great impression on the Saban youth and adults with their knowledge and expertise in the field of nature.

During the Easter holidays 5 young people traveled to Saba, supervised by three adults . The purpose of this trip was to exchange and share knowledge and expertise in the area of ​​nature and also to create awareness and pride among the young people of Saba for their own natural environment.

Junior Rangers from Bonaire visit Saba (Photo Stinapa)
Junior Rangers from Bonaire visit Saba
(Photo Stinapa)

The nature organization Saba Conservation Foundation has organized a varied program so that the youngsters from Bonaire could experience Saba’s nature. The program was included diving, research of the different eco – systems on Saba and compare these with those of Bonaire. They climbed to the top of mount Scenery , made a trek through the misty jungle. The Stinapa Junior Rangers made presentations to the youth of Saba .

The Junior Rangers have really been enjoying themselves during their stay and have achieved their objective, i.e., raise the awareness raising of the Saban youth for the beauty of nature Saba . Bonaire’s youth have made a great impression on the youth and adults of Saba .

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