Friday , March 14 2025

Statia dancers and musicians performing on June 7

The Daily Herald writes that the Aloei Historical Dancers and Statia Young Musicians will be travelling to Saba to host a dance and music show at Princess Juliana sports field on Saturday, June 7, at 8:00pm. The cultural extravaganza features young musicians under the age of 18, compromising trumpet, saxophone, violin and trombone, under leadership of music teacher Dennis Amajan and dance group The Aloei Dancers.
Three years ago, this group hosted a show on Saba and danced their feet off in an almost two hours show. This year’s show promises to be different with strong encouraging messages through dance and music. The show is geared towards all ages, according to coordinator Christina Timber.
Dance teachers and choreographers Raymond and Sherees Timber are in the process of fine tuning the highlights and main pieces for the show. “One of our main goals is to showcase the many talents Statia has through music and dance, and form a working relation with young interested Sabans,” said Timber.


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