Friday , March 14 2025

SABARC and SEC will document archeology near Fort Bay

An important Saba Archaeological Center Sabarc documentation is being conducted of three human occupation periods at the exact same location near Fort Bay, which date back thousands of years. This writes The Daily Herald. This Sabarc archaeology project is being conducted through the support of Commissioner Chris Johnson and the Saba Electric Company, and demonstrates their awareness for the importance that understanding heritage has for the future of Saba. This archaeological survey and excavations are being carried out by Sabarc Foundation personnel, in particular archaeologists Dr. Jay Haviser, Ryan Espersen, and the new Manager of Sabarc, Johan Schaffer.

The project was implemented to investigate and mitigate the site for upcoming construction of the new Saba Electric power plant, through the recording of site features and conducting excavations. The eventual result will be a full documentation of the site, and based on the results, the preservation of a part of the site area.

Found during the research thus far, are the ruins of a house and cistern dating back to the late 18th century, and under the floor of that house artefacts were found from the Amerindian peoples on Saba about 1000 years ago. One of the more significant finds thus far, has been a very deep layer of dark soil with artefacts, which represents the time of the very first humans to enter into the Caribbean region more than 3000 years ago, called the Archaic Age. There are few Archaic Age sites well documented in the Caribbean, with only one other site of this time period known on Saba at Plum Piece, excavated by Leiden University in 2003.

All three of these cultural occupation periods are represented at this one site, thus indicating its great importance for Saba heritage, and vital potential for heritage education via the Saba Heritage Center that is being planned for the future. The Sabarc fieldwork will continue for two more weeks, with the technical report ready to present to the Government and Saba Electric in early July.


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