Sunday , March 9 2025

Lions induct four new members

The Daily Herald writes that the Lions Club held its annual induction ceremony on Saturday evening at Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside. The opening remarks were held by Master of Ceremony Franklin Wilson with the meeting called to order by current club President Glenn Holm. Following the singing of the Saba Song Yvonne Wilson held an invocation. As is customary on such occasions, Holm requested all to observe a moment of silence for world peace. He also extended condolences to Wilson and her family for the loss of her brother. In his welcoming speech, Holm spoke of his service in the club, especially during this year in which he said he was honoured to lead it and of the importance of the organization for the community since its establishment 37 years ago.
Franklin Wilson introduced the head table, reminding all in attendance of the recognition of the Saba Lions within the district and on the word stage. He invited charter member Hubert “Roy” Smith, a Melvin Jones Fellow (MJF) to read the Lions’ Code of Objectives. The induction ceremony started with the three new members lighting their symbolic candle of service in a procession together with their club sponsors and mentors.
Vincent Stroom, Gino Romero and Rolando Quindoy took their membership service pledge. Candidate Judy Bobel was mentioned as an inductee in absentia. All candidates followed initiation courses conducted by sponsors Carl Buncamper, Franklin Wilson, Glenn Holm and Rudolph Hassell. George Wilson read the Lions Code of Ethics. The ceremony continued with the awarding of the club’s chevrons to outstanding, long-serving members. Former president Carolyn Johnson received a chevron for 10 years of service. George Wilson was pinned for 20 years’ service. Island Councilman Rolando Wilson and Carmen Harriet Simmons were extended chevrons in absentia. Also in absentia, local historian Will Johnson was honoured for 30 years’ membership.
This year, several MJF awards were extended by the International Association of Lions Clubs to Saba members. The Saba Club makes at least a US $1,000 donation per candidate to the international club’s humanitarian drive. In addition to receiving a recognition plaque, the MFJ’s names are written on a wall at the International Lions’ headquarters. This high honour was given to Holm, former Member of Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles James Ray Hassell, and club member Rudolph Hassell. Ray Hassell held an impromptu speech in which he mentioned the low turnout of members and guests and the need for the Lions to renew their drive in involving more community stakeholders in their efforts and celebrations. The Lions also celebrated the birthday of their youngest board member Bastiaan Janssens. Shirley Woods held the vote of thanks, after which members and guests enjoyed each other’s companion during a reception with food prepared by cook of the internationally admired Meals on Wheels programme Arebella Hassell.


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