Two young Saban athletes have traveled to the Philadelphia 76ers basketball camp from July 13th to 18th. Shurendy Windfield and Frankelly Wilson are traveling along with their chaperone James Granger to Philadelphia where they will take part in the camp which aims to enhance the skills of young athletes.

(Photo GIS Sab)
While at the camp the young men will be able to work on their basketball fundamentals while sportsmanship and teambuilding skills will also be developed. They will also have the opportunity to meet with scouts of college basketball to teams to discuss scholarship opportunities. As an added bonus the high school athletes will also meet with a current member of the Philadelphia 76ers team and get some instruction from him.
This opportunity has been sponsored by the Island Government. Commissioner of Sports Bruce Zagers said that, “government is pleased to be able to assist these young men in developing their skills. They have taken the opportunity to broaden their horizons and on behalf of government I would like to wish them well in this endeavor.” The Island Government has sponsored such trips to Philadelphia several times in the past years.