The famous steps leading to the highest point on Saba as well as in the Dutch Kingdom, Mount Scenery, will be renovated in the coming months. Over the years the steps have sustained some damage through hurricanes, regular wear and tear and more recently when the power cables to the tower on the top of the mountain were replaced. The 1064 step trail was first built more than 40 years ago.

Last week, Commissioner Chris Johnson climbed the trail along with Saba Conversation Foundation (SCF) Parks Manager Kai Wulf, and Planning Bureau Head, Robert Zagers, as well as other Island Government and SCF staff, to look at specific locations on the trail that need to be improved. While on the trail they were able to discuss ways to improve the various vantage points along the trail, as well as areas that on the trail have accumulated moss and pose a hazard in the moist environment at that altitude.
During the renovations certain parts of the trail such as The Bottom Mountain and Hell’s Gate Mountain will also be improved and stabilized with boardwalks, to minimize the mud that hikers have to trek through.
The funding for the renovations comes from the Nature Policy funds of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. It is one of the projects submitted by the Island Government that has been approved. There are other projects which have also been submitted which are currently under discussion.