Friday , March 14 2025

Self-sufficiency of Islands

This important announcement has been provided by Koos Sneek from Statia about a Saba-Statia Programme.
At this moment all stakeholders such as Chamber of Commerce, Business Associations and Tourism Development Foundation are working together with the governments of both Statia and Saba to work out a program to stimulate business that will improve the self-sufficiency of the islands. Agriculture in this respect will have a prominent place. Financing for this program through the 10th European Development Fund and available Dutch funds for economic development as presently being secured.

Tentatively a strategic conference is scheduled for September 8 and 9 in order to get the program started off. Besides the mentioned stakeholders also private sector representatives in sectors such as agriculture will be invited.  Expert support for the program is provided by CBI, a Dutch government agency with extensive worldwide expertise to assist with improvement of existing businesses and start up enterprises and identifying markets and business partners.

 Koos Sneek


No granting of Aruba’s preference
No major security problems during Carnival

One comment

  1. We do need one more member of the Saba Business Association to attend this meeting on Statia. If you would like to join the delegation and give some valuable input please contact Wolfgang at Scout’s Place.