Friday , March 14 2025

Police office KPCN Saba moves to The Bottom

On Thursday, August 21st , the employees of the Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland (KPCN) move to the new police station on Saba from Windwardside to The Bottom. The relocation started on Monday, August 18th  and will be completed on  Thursday, August 21st . As of January 1st , 2015 the current office in Windwardside will be closed.

In order to continue to provide adequate police services, citizens can continue to file reports (by appointment) in the office in Windwardside. By appointment, the police can also make visits at home to file reports, if the citizen requires this.

KPCN will continue to use the ‘old’ police station in Windwardside until the end of December. After that  KPCN will provide a different location in Windwardside, where citizens can get help by appointment. The community officer also makes her appointments both at the police station “Windward Side” and the police station in The Bottom. On a trial basis citizens can go by the community officer on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:00 to 12:00 and on Wednesday afternoons from 13:00 to 16:00 hours. The phone numbers of the police on Saba remain the same (416-3737). The date for the official opening of the police station in The Bottom will follow.



Purchase Orders for Recycling Plant Equipment signed
Gilbert Isabella to visit Statia and Saba


  1. Wow that looks fantastic….all those months of hard work paid off. Congratulations to all involved

  2. Alternative headline: “6 parking spots opened up in the centre of Windwardside”.

    Well done all involved, indeed, well done.