Friday , March 14 2025

Unions reach agreement labour conditions with RCN

Agreement reached

The unions reached an agreement with the RCN director, Mr. Sybren van Dam, concerning the labour conditions 2013-2014. This result was reached after a year and a half of intense negotiations and its duration is from January 1st up and till December 31st, 2014. In principal the agreements are applicable for employees who on, or as of August 15th, 2014 were employed by Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland.

Unions reach labor agreement


With this agreement, a harmonization of the salary buildings of all officials of the central government is realized. By means of the transitioning rule it is ensured that the position of the current personnel will not deteriorate. As a consequence of the different starting positions, the income effects of the harmonization differ. The personnel will make an average advancement of 3.25% in 2013. This keeps on increasing structurally up to an average of 6.5%.

Income paragraph

In addition to the harmonization, agreements were made which will also result in improvement of the income. The most important of these are:

  • The yearly periodical increase of January 1st, 2014 will be paid out half a year in advance, once-only;
  • The end of year payment 2013 will be increased structurally with a gross amount of 250 dollar, retroactively;
  • All salaries will be structurally increased with 0.5% as of January 1st, 2014;
  • All government officials who have a fulltime employment, and who were employed on July 1st of 2013, will receive a onetime harmonization payment of 300 dollars gross. For part-time employments a harmonization payment will be given proportionally;
  • The structure of the vacation payment will be increased with 0.5% to 8% as of July 1st, 2013. The increased vacation payment will thus be paid out for the first time in 2014;
  • The employer will give the government officials, who according to their 2013 performance evaluation are functioning on a good level (Evaluation C, D or E), a onetime payment of 100 dollars gross.


For the personnel of the Police Force Caribbean Netherland (Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland) it was discussed amongst others that a joint effort will be made to introduce participation still in 2014. As the first subject the evaluation of the job descriptions will be discussed. In case this process conduces to an adaption of the job descriptions, these jobs will also be revalued.

The complete text of the “Arbeidsvoorwaardenakkoord 2013-2014” is accessible on www.

Source: press release RCN


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