Saturday , March 15 2025

Contract for recycling signed

With the signing of the contract for the civil works for the new recycling facility at the landfill, Saba is one step closer to introducing island wide recycling. This writes The Daily Herald. The contract to build the facility was signed by Commissioner of Public Works, Bruce Zagers and a representative of contractor Saba Roads. Also present were Robert Zagers of the Planning Bureau and Remco Nordermeer, Project leader from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I&M).

The landfill facility will be totally reconstructed and prefab buildings made of steel will be erected to house the various equipment that will be a part of the recycling process. The buildings are semi-circular in shape and were chosen because efficiently use of the space and low construction cost while maintaining structural integrity. These buildings are durable with a lifespan in excess of 25 years and resistant to the elements including fire and hurricane force winds.

Two of these buildings will be constructed. The first building will house the actual waste processing facility where the various waste streams will be manually sorted. Once sorted, they will be stored until they reach an amount which can be baled. Special machines will be purchased that will be able to compact and bale plastics, cans, paper and tires. A glass crusher will also be at the facility, which will grind the class into sand like particles. There will also be industrial size scales which will be able to weigh the waste before it is shipped off island for a more accurate billing.

The second building, which will be somewhat smaller, will house a medical grade incinerator which is fuelled by diesel. The incinerator burns at a temperature of 850 degrees Celsius and can reach temperatures of up to 1300 degrees. The emissions of the incinerator comply with EU regulations which are among the highest in the world.

The total cost of the recycling project is approximately 1.8 million dollars and is financed by the Dutch Government through the Ministry of I&M. Commissioner Zagers stated that, “the signing today signifies a very important step for Saba moving forward with its waste management system. In the coming months there will be intensive information campaigns to inform the community about this project and how government intends to implement it. For recycling to be a true success, the support of the community is paramount.” The Commissioner mentioned that all efforts will be made to ensure a smooth transition from current household practices to the new recycling system. The recycling program is expected to commence in January 2015.


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