Thursday , February 6 2025

Political party gifts obligatory made public

Political parties have been required by law to publish their gifts of over €4,500 since last year. They must also report debts of over €25,000.

The SP’s leading position stems from the fact that paid officials have to hand over part of their income to party coffers. Former SP MP Jan de Wit made the biggest contribution – almost €94,000. Party leader Emile Roemer made contributions of almost €83,000.

GroenLinks also benefited from a similar agreement with European MP Judith Sargentini contributing €73,000. Party leader Bram van Ojik donated almost €13,000. Pro-animal party PvdD received €50,000 from a party member and a fish company in Yerseke donated €20,000 to the fundamentalist Christian SGP.

The Labour party PvdA and Geert Wilders’ anti-Islam PVV reported no gifts of €4,500 or more. The VVD had two contributions totalling €50,000.

Dutch political parties receive national funding on the basis of how many seats they have in parliament. In total, they cost the taxpayer €15.5m last year. This money is to be used to fund strictly defined activities in the Netherlands and abroad, fund a research institute and fund a youth wing.

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