Friday , March 14 2025

ZVK has new office in The Bottom

Caribisch Netwerk reports that the Health Insurance Office (ZVK) has opened a new office in Saba. The new office has private consulting rooms and offers more privacy for its clients.

“At this location we can give better service to the Saban community. We know that there are still questions and complaints about the daily routines and activities at ZVK and we do our best to solve the problems”:, said Sean Bennett, manager of ZVK.

ZVK director Nico de Jong at the opening of his new office. (Photo Hazel Durand)
ZVK director Nico de Jong at the opening of his new office.
(Photo Hazel Durand)

The people complain about the speed and efficiency of how medical referrals are handled and the length of time they have to stay in Colombia for medical treatment.

According to Nico de Jong, director of ZVK, new offices are opened on all three BES islands. The office on Bonaire will be finished in May 2015. “It is a new stage of development for the Zorgverzekeringkantoor in the Caribbean Netherlands.”

The ZVK is already sometime under fire as patients are of the opinion that their bureaucracy and service is not optimal. In 2013, the ZVK processed more than 7,000 medical referrals. In total, the ZVK received 53 complaints.

Click here for news from the Saba Healthcare Foundation.

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