Saturday , March 15 2025

Economic Stakeholders set up E-team

Stakeholders from the various economic sectors on the island and Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Chris Johnson met today in what was the first meeting of the Economic team (E- team) of Saba. The E-team will function as the main economic platform where economic developments on the island will be discussed in a structural way between the public and private sectors. Membership of the group is composed of representatives of various organizations including the Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Head of Economic Affairs, Chamber of Commerce Saba, Saba Merchants Association, Saba Business Association and the Tourist Bureau.

: clockwise from l-r: Head of Economic Affairs, Dave Levenstone; SBA representative, Alida Heilbron; SMA representative, Dean Johnson; Commissioner Chris Johnson; Chamber of Commerce representative, Wolfgang Tooten and Policy Advisor, Koen van Laar.  (Photo GIS Saba)
: clockwise from l-r: Head of Economic Affairs, Dave Levenstone; SBA representative, Alida Heilbron; SMA representative, Dean Johnson; Commissioner Chris Johnson; Chamber of Commerce representative, Wolfgang Tooten and Policy Advisor, Koen van Laar.
(Photo GIS Saba)

With the Commissioner of Economic Affairs as the government representative the government will use this platform to gather input from the economic stakeholders on the island. The private sector stakeholders of the E-team can use it as a vehicle to bring forward their concerns and to gather information about developments in government. In order to get a broader view of the economic picture at times the team will invite experts in other sectors to give input as well.

The E- team will meet once every two months to discuss developments, upcoming events and also meet visiting delegations that have economic relevance. Consistent with the goal of providing stakeholder input to government at both the local and national level, they will meet with the commissioner prior to Caribbean Netherlands week to discuss input from Saba, and again upon return to give feedback on achievements.

To promote economic development on the island the E-team will outline an economic strategy, based on existing plans and reports, current priorities and investment opportunities. All plans, reports and documentation will be maintained in a central economic archive.

The team will also collaborate with other BES islands to give economic input to the Evaluation Committee during the constitutional evaluation in regards to the effects of various laws on the economy of Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire.

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