Sunday , March 16 2025

The renovated police station in The Bottom has been reopened

Caribisch Netwerk reports that on Thursday the Police Headquarters Saba has been reopened after a full renovation. The building was outdated and in poor condition.

“It is a pleasure for me to open this office, after last month, I was allowed to open the new police station on Bonaire,” said Head of Police, Hildegard Buitink. “Soon we will also tackle the renovation of the police station in Statia. When that is done, all police forces on the three islands operate in a good working environment and good service can be offered. ”

The Saba poloice team on the stairs of the renovated station. (Photo: Hazel Durand)
The Saba police team on the stairs of the renovated station.
(Photo: Hazel Durand)

The renovation offered an opportunity to expand the original building and to upgrade the police cells. The temporary police station that was opened in Windwardside will continue to continue to provide services to the community in Windwardside and nearby villages.

“Many people in the community were critical of the police. I assure you that much has been done to professionalize the police to and now, after four years, the improvements are already visible, “said Governor Jonathan Johnson. Head of Police, Buitink promised:” We will also stop the rotation of Chiefs of Police Basic Care every few months. There will be a vacancy and the members of the police may apply and once those vacancies are filled on Saba and St. Eustatius the constant changing of the Chiefs will be over. ”

The bronze bust of Samuel Charles, the police officer who was shot in 1989 while in service was moved from the main square in front of the Government building in the Bottom to the premises of the police station. The bust is a symbol of Charles’ fight against drugs Saba

The bronze bust of Samuel Charles is now placed at the police station. The picture shows his wife and kids together with Chief of Police Buitink (Photo: Hazel Durand)
The bronze bust of Samuel Charles is now placed at the police station. The picture shows his wife and kids together with Chief of Police Buitink
(Photo: Hazel Durand)


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One comment

  1. Grand opening of Police station.

    So today was the “grand opening” of the police station. I say opening for what? do we actually have po-po’s on the island? you don’t see them neither in the morning, noon or at night.
    They here on a well paid vacation that is what the case is.
    Seems like every time there is renovations done the have a grand opening. A waste of precious tax payers money and a waste of time.
    I do have to ask myself the question in what direction is Saba headed?
    The police them better start doing their jobs and not just collect a salary and cool out because that is exactly what is taking place and who you gone complain to.
    What a mess. Police force died after 10-10-10.