Friday , March 14 2025

Twenty four pupils graduate at Comprehensive school

The Daily Herald writes about the fact that twenty-four pupils of Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) graduated Saturday during a ceremony held at Saba University School of Medicine in The Bottom. A total of 15 pupils graduated at the academic level, seven pupils on  MBO- level and two pupils graduated on prolevel. Of the 24 pupils, 15 were actually present to accept their brand-new diplomas; the others were handed out to a representative.

This year was the fi rst in which pupils graduated  under the new “10-10-10” rules, meeting Dutch requirements. SCS is also looking into ways to implement the Council for American Private Education CAPE programme into their curriculum to better prepare pupils for their studies abroad. Graduation Day started Saturday around 4:00pm with a great number of attendants. First, Island Governor Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner of Education Chris Johnson set the tone with speeches, after which pupils gave a singing performance. After this the diplomas were handed out individually to each of the pupils or their representatives. The day ended with a buffet during which everyone could get a bite to eat and wind down with a glass of wine and, of course, lemonade for the children.

Schermafbeelding 2014-11-12 om 06.58.34

Evaluation Commission visits the Caribbean Netherlands
Commissioner Zagers visits newly refurbished hyperbaric chamber


  1. Congratulations to all students and teachers who worked hard to achieve this nice result. I wish all graduates all the best in the next step of their life.
    Best regards, Michiel Boeken

  2. These kids lucky they finish under Mr. Hemmie who was given an award despite he no longer at the school. Thank you Mr. Hemmie as you brought Saba to the top of education on the BES islands and you is greatly miss and needed at SCS now!

  3. Congratulations to all students who tried so hard and finally got their rewardedr certificate. Also congratulations to those students who did not make it this year. You have been trying very hard but unfortunately this time was not you God’s call. Don’t give up and keep going for the next change. A certificate makes or brakes you.

    For those who continue studying, I applaud you and wish you so much fun and enjoyment to live in an other culture, see different people, eat different food, talk different, act different just let it come to you and take the best piece out of it.

    Sorry guys but those in form 3 and 4 need to hold one for a few more years. I Sincerely hope that the administration can get their act together an give you what is your right: QUALITY EDUCATION. and not some sort subtraction from this with missing hours, missing teachers, adding unqualified subjects to the exam class, and more of this nonsence. This SCS is no kindergarten. It is a school where students mature and become ready for their next step. Embrase Mr. Dodds, Mr, Inclair, Mr. goffe, Ms. Adiola, Ms Nadine and Ms. Clement because they are the role models who will help you through.
    (Shortened by Editor)

  4. By CAPE, I think it’s meant the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations. Not whatever else was mentioned in the article