Sunday , March 9 2025

Tricia Chammaa to publish her second childrens book

The Daily Herald reports today that entrepreneur Tricia Chammaa, owner of Brigadoon Restaurant in Windwardside, is to publish her new book Bully Billy on Wednesday, November 18, at De la Rosa fashion store in Windwardside. This is the second of a total of seven books to be published over the years by the native of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Tricia Chammaa (Photo The Daily herald)
Tricia Chammaa
(Photo The Daily Herald)

About two years ago, Chammaa decided to write books for children, and her soon to be published second book got some well-de-served attention in Aruba. Back in 1999, Chammaa took charge of the Girl Scouts on Saba. Because she noticed boys were also interested, she changed the organisation into Saba Kids Club.

In that same year, right after hurricane Lenny struck the island, she arranged the first co-ed sleepover at the church parish hall in Windwardside. This was done by candlelight, since no electricity was available at that time.

About seven years ago, she decided to stop her work for the Kids Club. Chammaa’s creative talents were unveiled locally and abroad, when her first book was published last
year. The book of about 15 pages told the story Sandaleena the Queen Snail of Saba and her friends who decide it is time to take action against litter on the island.

Because of the great response she received, the release of a second book was only a matter of time. The topic of her second book, titled Bully Billy , is, of course, about bullying.

A noteworthy fact is that the illustrations in this book are all done by Saba children, Denicio Levenstone, Tyler Aaron Johnson and Valerie Perez Cordero.

Astrid Britten of the National Library of Aruba contacted Chammaa and invited her for a paid trip to the Aruba Book Festival 2014. Several Aruban newspapers wrote about
her visit since it was the first time they welcomed a Saba author for this festival. Chammaa gave readings at 11 schools from November 3-7.

Next year, her third book – on the topic of drugs – will see the light. This story will feature a mischievous octopus that can push the “cops” away with his long tentacles. Almost all of the proceeds of these books go towards the Turn the Page reading programme initiated by Helen Hassell, Saba Lions Club and Living Water Community.

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  1. Tricia is a very talented young lady! The topics of her books are relevant and help teach children accordingly. Tricia continues to contribute to the Saba community on many fronts. Youth programs, animal rescue efforts amoung others! Tricia and her husband Michael operate Brigadoon, one of the top restaurants on Saba! They gave done more than their share to make Saba a better place to live. Bravo to Tricia! Keep up the good work!

  2. I have known my friend, Tricia Chammaa, for 21 years and she never ceases to amaze me with her talents and good deeds for others. She has a passion and a drive that you won’t see in many other people. Congratulations on your success both personally and professionally. Keep up the awesome work!



  3. Love this. So happy for you my Hoosier friend.