Sunday , March 16 2025

Concept Law Electricity and Drinking Water BES to Second Chamber

The concept Law Electricity and Drinking water BES was sent Tuesday November 25th to the Second Chamber. Customers, according to the concept law, will have to generate their own sustainable energy. Also, there will be monitoring of the electricity and drinking water companies, including tariff regulation and quality control of drinking water. This ensures on one hand that, companies remain financially sound and on the other hand, that customers not paying too much. Finally the concept law offers a subsidy for network costs.

Many stakeholders have made suggestions for improvements. As a result, the final proposal relates in detail to the practice on the islands. The Council of State has given its opinion on the concept. The Council ruled positive about the concept law and has advised to take into account several comments of the Council. The opinions of the Council have been followed. Thus the Council advised to explain how the concept relates to the ”legislative restraint” (this is the agreement to be cautious with new legislation). A detailed explanation on this is therefore included in the proposal. Also the other opinions of the Council have led to adjustment of the legal text and the notes.

Soon, in the following lower regulation, the detailed rules can be drawn up. This is about quality requirements for drinking water and concrete rules to protect consumers. This is now a proposal. This proposal will also be presented to stakeholders for consultation.

The draft law was drawn up by the Ministers for Economic Affairs and of infrastructure and the Environment.

Press release RCN, December 1, 2014

Saba Day Committee presents attractive program
Saba to receive support from Haaglanden for professionalizing Public Health