Sunday , March 16 2025

Dave Levenstone resigns from Benevolent Foundation

The Daily Herald writes that Dave Levenstone has announced his resignation as a member of Benevolent Foundation Saba (BFS) as of December 31. The board and stakeholders have been informed of his decision as of Friday last week. After six years, Levenstone decided it was time to move on. He emphasised that his decision has nothing to do with the recent report by the Inspector of Health. “We have all done our part to keep the Honorable Henry Carlyle Every Home in operation without any local government involvement,” said Levenstone.
He told The Daily Herald that the reason behind his resignation is purely ethical and that he agrees with some of the issues mentioned in the Health Inspector’s (IGZ) report. Levenstone will remain an active member of the advice and accountability body of Foundation Pension Fund Caribbean Netherlands PCN.
Levenstone called it “a conflict of interest” to work for both BFS and PCN and this was the reason why he resigned as a BFS board member. “My hope for The Home is that around April 2015 they have a clean slate and they will stay on the right track,” Levenstone said. He also thinks that people should not look at the board in a negative way. It was the same board that established a complaint committee in September, and hired Henk Bogers as a consult- ant to improve The Home.
The Daily Herald saw a copy of a letter sent by IGZ to The Home on November 27, in which it was stated that all requirements have so far been met. These requirements included safety, risk prevention, storage of chemicals and installation of an alarm system. Even some requirements set for January and April 2015 have already been (partially) taken care of.
Apart from his work for PCN, Levenstone said he would not get involved in a new project anytime soon. He expects “young and bright people” to step up and do their part for their community.
Bogers will return to Saba in a few weeks and during his last month as a board member Levenstone will work together with Bogers on improving The Home, where possible. “My only regret is that I could not be part of the realisation of a brand new senior citizens’ home,” Levenstone concluded.


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One comment

  1. Well anyone here really surprise he left after that bad report? I was surprise he even allowed to serve on a board considering what he done when he was on the school board years ago.
    (shortened by editor)